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NdbForms - No Code Notion Form Builder - The best alternative to Typeform and Noteform | Product Hunt

The easy alternative to Typeform and NoteForms

Easily Create No-Code Forms with a Notion Database

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Seamless Notion Integration

NdbForms seamlessly integrates with your Notion databases, allowing you to create beautiful forms that directly populate your databases with submissions.

Effortless Form Creation
Build custom forms with ease, tailored to your specific database structure.
Real-Time Updates
Submissions are instantly reflected in your Notion databases.
Seamless Notion Integration

Discover all features.

Seamless integration with Notion databases for effortless form creation and real-time data updates.

No-Code Form Builder

Create beautiful and functional forms without writing a single line of code.

Notion Integration

Receive all your form submissions directly into your Notion databases.

Advanced Analytics

Gain insights with advanced analytics on form submissions and user behavior.

Infinite Number of Fields

There are no limits on the number of input fields in your forms. Create as many as your Notion Workspace has if you want to. Organize fields and decide which are required.

Infinite Number of Forms

You can create as many forms as you need. You can even create multiple forms for the same Notion Workspace, with more or less fields.

Infinite Responses

All of your forms can have unlimited responses, no need to worry about quotas and other stressful metrics.


What our clients are sharing.

Discover the glowing feedback from our delighted customers worldwide.

John Doe

John Doe

Full Stack Developer

NdbForms has revolutionized my workflow. Integrating form submissions directly into Notion is a game-changer. The platform is intuitive and the documentation is clear. Highly recommended!
Alice Smith

Alice Smith

UI/UX Designer

Thanks to NdbForms, I've been able to create modern and attractive forms in record time. The seamless Notion integration allows me to focus more on design and less on backend processes.
David Johnson

David Johnson

DevOps Engineer

NdbForms's integration with Notion has streamlined our data collection process. Setting up forms is quick and easy, and the data is instantly available in our Notion databases.
Michael Wilson

Michael Wilson

Project Manager

I'm impressed by the quality and functionality of NdbForms. It has made managing projects and collecting data a breeze. Kudos to the team for such a great tool!
Sophia Garcia

Sophia Garcia

Data Analyst

NdbForms provided me with the tools I needed to efficiently manage and analyze form submissions. It's an invaluable asset for any data-driven role.
Emily Brown

Emily Brown

Marketing Manager

NdbForms has been a game-changer in my marketing campaigns. With its seamless integration with Notion, I've been able to gather and utilize customer data more effectively.
Jason Stan

Jason Stan

Web Designer

Thanks to NdbForms, I've been able to create user-friendly and visually appealing forms quickly. The platform's flexibility and ease of use are unmatched.